PDO Terre Tiburtine extra virgin olive oil

In the roman time this oil was known as "Oleum Tiburtinum", Pliny and Varro praised the soil fertility of these lands and the quality of this oil so that the Emperor Hadrian wanted to put his villa (the famous Villa Adriana).
The century-old tradition in the cultivation of olives is based on the mild climate, normally temperate and the calcareous and volcanic soil of the hills. Moreover olive growing is also favoured by hilly slopes, as well as altimetry, ranging from 90 metres to 500 metres.

Olio d'oliva
Ingrandisce foto PDO "Terre tiburtine" oil

The Terre Tiburtine oil can be producted only in the following municipalities in the province of Rome: Tivoli, Casape, Castel Madama, Castel S. Pietro, Ciciliano, Cineto Romano, Licenza, Mandela, Pisoniano, Poli, Roccagiovine, S.Vittorino, S.Gregorio da Sassola, S. Polo dei Cavalieri, Sambuci and Vicovaro.

In fact the PDO Sabina product disciplinary allows the employment of selected cultivated varieties: Frantoio (maximum 30%), Leccino (maximum 25%), Rosciola (minimum 5%), Rotonda di Tivoli(minimum 5%). for minimum 65%. Other cultivars (Montanese, Brocanica, Carboncella, Pendolino, Itrana) can be used up to 35%.
The colour is yellowy-green with golden tinges. The aroma has notes of fresh vegetables and fruit and the flavour is fruity, velvety, uniform, aromatic, and slightly pungent. It is a perfect all-purpose oil, but it will shine most on pasta, fresh or dried.
The production is currently increasing, in line with the objectives of the owners of olive groves.


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