The museums of Frascati

Ethiopic museum

It was opened inside the Cappuccini's Monastery in 1909 in honour to Cardinal Guglielmo Massaia (a Ethiopian missionary) buried here. It is small but very interesting to visit. The site contains a piece of our recent national history, the Colonialisation of Africa and also it reminds the kindness of the Cardinal it was honoured to.
The museum is open 9,00/12,00 and 15,30/18,00. Info: 0039 06 9420143. The entrance is free (a offerta).

Scuderie Aldobrandini
Ingrandisce foto Aldobrandini's stables

Aldobrandini's stables

The building of seventeenth-century, next to the town square, is the stable of the Aldobrandini's Villa.
It has been transformed with great sensitivity, by Massimiliano Fuksas, into the Museo Tuscolano. In fact the plan and the design kept all the old architecture intact, leaving the main structures and original wall materials. The museum, that has been opened up on 8th December 2000, houses archaeological fragments of the Roman city of Tuscolo, remains of which are scattered over the Alban hills.

On the ground floor there is an exhibition of all ruins found in the Tuscolo area from the ancient to the middle age. In the section history-architecture they have produced a model of all the Tuscolane Villas in the area of Tuscolo. On the first floor there is an Auditorium able to be used for any occasion and near it there are two rooms, place for a modern art exhibition. The four windows that face Piazza Marconi offer a spectacular view from the city Rome to the seaside
The museum is open 10,00/18,00 (from Tuesday to Friday) and 19,00/19,00 (Saturday, Sunday and high days). It's closed on Monday. Info: 0039 06 9417195/6. The entrance is in Piazza Marconi 6.







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